Building Better Boards: The Art of Shaping Boards that Work
Join Scandiuzzi Krebs as we dive into practical, community-focused strategies to help you build and strengthen your board of directors. Through a blend of theory, real-world examples, actionable strategies, and peer learning, we’ll share what a board is, why it’s important, what to look for in a great board member, and how to foster a thriving board culture.
Dates & Location:
Sessions will take place over Zoom every Friday from February 21 to May 16. Each session will run from 10 – 11:30am PST.
Who this is for:
Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to take your board to the next level, this monthly, four-session series is for emerging, small, and established cultural nonprofits in Washington State and Oregon.
Who is leading this work:

Kayti Barnett-O’Brien
Kayti has worked in arts and culture non-profit leadership and operations management roles for over 15 years. She specializes in developing and leading emerging, small, and established organizations navigating critical periods of change. Her work with SK centers in interim leadership support, executive leadership searches, and board development. Kayti has worked professionally with over a dozen boards, over 120 board members, and has served as a board member for local Seattle arts and culture nonprofits. She holds a MFA in Non-Profit Arts Leadership.
Josef Krebs
Before launching Scandiuzzi Krebs, Josef served in strategic leadership roles at top arts and human services organizations for 18 years, including Actors Theatre of Louisville, ACT Theatre, Intiman Theatre, Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra and Banchero Disability Partners. He’s taught fundraising communications theory as a guest at the University of Washington and the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communications, helped lead political activism for 4Culture, and has served on 11 boards. He is currently the Secretary of the board of the Pride Foundation, the largest LGBTQ community foundation in the United States.

Session Details:
Session #1 – What is a board?
Friday, February 21 – 10am – 11:30am
Function and Responsibilities. This session serves as a foundation for individuals eager to strengthen their understanding of nonprofit governance. What’s a board? How are they structured, and what are their responsibilities exactly? We’ll cover the basics, deep dive into the legal and fiduciary duties of board members, and their role in strategic planning, resource development, and executive oversight.
Session #2 – Why is my board important?
Friday, March 21 – 10am – 11:30am
The Role of a Board in Organizational Success. How can boards contribute to mission alignment? How about organizational accountability, resource development, and community representation? We’ll explore the critical role that a governing board plays in ensuring an organization’s success and sustainability, and in safeguarding public trust. We’ll also share tools to build and maintain effective governance structures.
Session #3 – Who do I want on my board?
Friday, April 18 – 10am – 11:30am
Finding Your People. What are the characteristics of effective board members? What are the various roles they can assume? How about best practices for recruitment and support? We’ll explore the essential qualities, responsibilities, and contributions of board members. Learners will sharpen their ability to identify, develop, and support impactful board leadership.
Session #4 – How do I relate to my board?
Friday, May 16 – 10am – 11:30am
Strategies for Success. What are the essential tools and strategies needed to build and strengthen a high-performing board? We’ll focus on recruitment, engagement, governance, fundraising, and succession planning to create a cohesive and effective, mission-aligned board. Learners will gain the confidence and knowledge needed to foster a thriving board culture, and elevate their board’s effectiveness and sustainability.
Session Structure:
The format of each session will look like this: 1 hour of discussion and presentation, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A.
Take Home Resources:
All sessions will be transcribed, and notes will be made available to every participant following each event.
Reservation & Attendance:
The fee for the full 4-session series is $265. Participation in all 4 sessions isn’t required. If there are specific sessions you’re interested in, you are welcome to participate in individual sessions for $75 per session.
Reserve a spot
Building Better Boards (All 4 Sessions)
February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16
10-11:30am PST
What is a board?
Friday February 21
10-11:30am PST
Why is my board important?
Friday March 21
10-11:30am PST
Who do I want on my board?
Friday April 18
10-11:30am PST
How do I relate to my board?
Friday May 16
10-11:30am PST
When do sales end?
Individual Session sales will end at 10am on the Thursday before each session. Sales for the whole series will end at 10am on Thursday February 20th.
Who do I contact if I have any issues?
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Megan Ahiers with any questions. Email: [email protected]