
Grant Writing Services

A strong grants portfolio is a valuable asset for a nonprofit, and grant writing is a time-consuming process. Our team can help write and edit proposals, research new funding prospects, manage and track your grant calendar, and strategize each ask with you.

Key grants services we can help with include:
Grant Prospecting

New funding opportunities are always on the horizon. Let our skilled team of grant writers find corporate, private foundation, and government grants that are a perfect fit for your organization.

Copy Writing & Editing

Great grant proposals feature tight, descriptive language that tells a clear story while also demonstrating impact through data. Our writers know how to strike a perfect balance between elaborating on your mission and crafting a succinct case for support.

Calendar Management

Grant portfolios have many deadlines to manage year-round. Take this task off your plate and let one of our grant writers manage application, reporting, and communications deadlines.


Once you receive a grant, you’ll most likely need to submit a report to your funder. Our writers have submitted dozens of reports and can help you to manage your time and process as you report on your impact.

Planning & Strategy

Project funding, general operating, capacity…it can be hard to know exactly what to ask for in each proposal. We have crafted hundreds of applications and can help you to navigate each funder’s language to choose the perfect ask.